my container garden.
At the beginning of March, I had a dream of having a beautiful plot garden this year. I had spent many hours on Pinterest in January and February while recovering from my eye surgery and had discovered all these great looking gardens and different styles and I was determined I would have a garden. I even drew out my plan for my little garden including all of the yummy veggies that I love to eat and could not wait to have them growing in my own backyard! My wonderful b-i-l helped me with getting the plot worked up for me to plant everything and things were going along according to plan.
It looked great and we worked hard on it. Then I kept putting off purchasing my seeds and baby plants. One reason I waited was because of how cold it was. Living in town my whole life, I've never grown a garden or hardly anything so I was hesitant because I didn't want my plants to die from the cold! I also got distracted with working on my front walk, I laid brick down to make it all pretty and nice looking. Then other things kept happening and the plants never got planted. Kevina and I talked about it and decided to not do it this year but we did agree that I could have a small container garden. I was so excited about my little bitty garden and could not wait to get started on it! I have grown herbs in containers all year and have been successful with that so I figured it wouldn't be too much of a difference. One day after work I went to Hill Hardware downtown and got a galvanized oblong bucket, some container soil, and several tomato plants, green bell peppers, okra, and peas! Then it was on to plant my finds! Here is my container garden the first day I planted. These pictures were taken on May 16, 2013
In the oblong container, I have four tomato plants and three bell peppers. I am sure I will probably need to thin them out and repot some of the tomato plants in a better area. Actually I am positive, after looking at the pictures that I took Friday.
What a big difference in just two weeks! I even have a bell pepper. Sometime this week I plan to replant some of the plants in different pots in order to help them grow better and not be so crowded. I put my tomatoes and bell peppers in the backyard beside my chicken coop and near my pecan tree. When Kevin and I first moved into our house, this tree was so small! It has grown tremendously in the past year and I love it so much. I cannot wait for it to grow wider and will provide shade for me to sit in!