jude 22
Friday nights are for family part 2 :]

Friday nights are for family

Ok y'all so a few eekgs ago when I was looking through all of my pictures from the last eight or so years, I noticed that there was a difference in the picutres I have taken recently and the ones from three or more years ago.  Before I say this, and hopefully y'all won't judge me too much, I just want to remind y'all I am not a photographer.  I just am a girl who likes to take pictures of things she loves.  But, there is a big difference between the pictures I have taken with my iPhone and the pictures taken with my digital camera.  I mean, obviously, I knew that there would be some kind of difference.  Just like, not as big a difference as I realized.  Maybe it was because I made a gradual change from using my iPhone solely for my pictures that I didn't realize the difference. I mean, in my opinion a digital picture is a digital picture is a digital picture.

Well, after seeing how much of a difference there was between the pictures taken with my phone and digital camera, I've been trying to to make conscious effort to use my digital camer more.  In reality, this has resulted in less pictures.  Which is possibly a good thing because I feel like I'm becoming overwhelmed with all the pictures I was getting.  But I'm sure you can relate to how well it is to take like, twenty pictures of the same thing with a smartphone!  On a Friday night a few weeks ago, we all gathered together at my mother-in-law's house and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to take more pictures and a good way to remember our get-togethers :)

Faith and Brandon
Kevin and Mrs. Gina
Kevin and Mimaw Betty
Mrs. Gina and Kendall being silly
coffee drinkin'

