I Heart Weekends
For the past couple of years, I can't recall a time when I actually had the thought that I love the weekend. To me, I never thought anything special of these two days. Maybe because they were just another day to me. I am busy every day. I have things that I have to do and things that I know that I want to do so I do them when I can. Saturday was just another day to work, even if it wasn't at Stringer's.
I don't really know what has changed these past few months, but I adore the weekends! The weekends are mine and Kevin's time together. They start off slow: going to Nana's for Friday night dinner and just hanging out there. Waking up Saturday morning is also slow, early for me, late for him. Multiple cups of coffee, washing some clothes, cuddling with the dogs...it's just best. We spend the whole day with ourselves and whoever drops by. Sunday comes with dressing up, spending time worshipping and learning more about God, Sunday lunch.
Although Kevin is at work, this weekend was no exception. I did some yard work, spent time with my dogs, got on a knitting kick, and had a wonderful Sunday with my church family. Saturday is still just another day of the week, but it's more than that now. It's the day where mornings last until noon and the afternoons can last all day. :)