my mini-garden
Friday nights are for family

jude 22

"And of some have compassion, making a difference:"

Compassion is something that I have been thinking of more often lately.  It can be hard to show compassion in our world especially when people are so self-absorbed and can cause you hurt.  This verse jumped out at me Sunday night when Bro. Darrin first read through them.  It is a small simple sentence that holds a whole lot of meaning.  I had just said something similar to this to Mrs. Gina the previous Friday night when we were discussing that sometimes people just need you to be nice to them.

My prayer is that I can continue to grow in compassion, extending it to people I know and strangers I see around town.  Like the verse says, it makes a difference.  Maybe not right away, maybe not a big difference, but this lesson is a repeating occurence in story after story, movie after movie.  All it takes is a kind word, mercy shown, and then it spreads.  So although I may sometimes fail, I will show compassion because of the compassion that was extended to me by my Lord.  Mostly I will show compassion because I was told to do so through the Word. Compassion

