the gardening diaries: planting day!
Finally y'all! The part I have been waiting on for weeks! I excitedly and impatiently waited for days for the mud plot that would be my garden to dry out. I anticipated the day I would get to my house after work and it would be the day to start on the rows! When I got home from work last Wednesday, I checked the farmer's almanac and was excited to see that the 23rd and 24th of April would be good planting days. This was good news because I was worried I would have to wait until the beginning of May.
Wednesday ~ Kevin and I walked around the yard and field that afternoon looking at the trees and plants that were growing and thriving from all the rain we had! April 22 was also Earth Day! In our woods beside our house, there is the great oak tree that Kevin really loves. He had spent the day cleaning around the tree. There are vines that are climbing all over the tree. And by vines, I don't mean little ones that I am constantly pulling out of my front bed. These vines are huge! They have got to be at least a decade old and are everywhere. The goal is to get the area around the tree cleared so it can get more sunlight. Kevin got a lot of the vines cut at the base so they will die off and we can pull them out of the tree tops. I'm hoping that all this work will pay off and we can continue to clear out to make a lovely shaded place for us to hang out or eat meals!
While we were walking, we were also talking about the garden. I had just found out that the next two days were good days to plant according to the farmer's almanac. We needed to break up the dirt again before we could do the rows. Kevin said he would do that on Thursday if the rain held off! When we rounded the corner, Mr. Randy already had the tractor out and was breaking up the former mud pit. Oh y'all. I cannot even tell you how excited I was!
Thursday ~ I got home from work determined to mow our yard. It had been weeks since it had been mowed thanks to the rain and the lawn mower breaking. Kevin was off helping his brother but when he got home, he hooked up the plow to the tractor and got started making the rows! This was a learning experience for both of us and it took a row or two to get the plow adjusted right. After he got it to where we wanted, he finished the rest of the rows! As the sun went down, it started to get a little chilly and since I was wearing a tank top, I went inside and grabbed one of my blue jean-ish "work shirts" to wear over it. I have been reading a book about a woman who went to live on a farm for a year and she discussed how the farmers didn't wear sunscreen lotion, they just had light button up work shirts that they wore. I felt like what I was wearing was similar to what she described and felt very farmer-ish. haha! By the time Kevin finished the rows, it was beginning to get dark so we quickly planted the tomato plants that I had gotten earlier that day.
Friday ~ Friday I woke up at, like, 5:00 am and could not fall back asleep. I was already planning to get started planning early before work so I went ahead and got up. I fixed some coffee and sat on the back porch steps while I drank a cup and woke up. The evening before, Kevin and I kind of planned out our rows and I decided where I would start for the morning. I planted a few rows of corn and two varieties of watermelon before I had to stop so I could go to work. Luckily I only worked half a day but I was still mentally kicking myself for requesting to work that morning. Once I got home, I picked back up planting where I left off. After about an hour, it started to rain a steady light rain so Kevin and I picked up my seeds that hadn't gotten planted yet. We sat on the back porch for about thirty minutes while I alternated between talking with Kevin and pouting about the rain. I just kept having to remind myself of what I said earlier: God knows what he's doing! After a while, Kevin pointed out that it was barely sprinkling so I gathered my stuff again and together we went out to finish planting the garden. He planted the peanuts and I planted the various peppers that I had left.
I don't know how other people do their gardens and how they keep up with what is planted on each row. I really didn't know how I was going to do it myself, either. Honestly, I hadn't actually thought of that part until it was Friday morning and I was standing in the dirt with a handful of corn kernels. Then I remembered that the day before I had bought some plant markers seemingly on a whim. So I put down one of my ponytail holders to mark my place and I got the plant markers and a sharpie. I hadn't asked any veteran gardeners if they mark their plants or if they just remember what row is what. Maybe it doesn't matter to them because obviously when the vegetables are produced anyone can definitely tell what is what! Right now I'm working out the way that works for me. And hopefully I will find good ways and even after that, discover even better ways!