bump report

Bump Report: 25 Weeks!

25 weeks!
How far along:
 25 weeks

How big is the baby: the size of a rutabaga, 1.7 lb; heartbeat is 146 this week.

Changes: My fingernails are growing like crazy!

Feeling: I can tell that my core is not as strong as it was.  It's hard to stand up straight for long periods of time.

Eating: Pimento and cheese sandwiches every day! Drinking lots of water



Bump Report: 24 weeks!

How far along: 24 Weeks

How big is the baby: The size of an ear of corn

Changes: It's getting harder to sit up from laying down, I have to kind of roll and push up!

Feeling: Tired. Just a simple walk wears me out!

Eating: Rice Crispie treats. Still. Loving pimento cheese sandwiches!!

Wearing: Maxi skirts and maternity shirts. Also some really lovely makeup I got last weekend and I love it!

Bump Report: 23 weeks!


How far along: 23 Weeks

How big is the baby: 1.2 LB

Changes: Not that much different from last week.  Still feeling those precious baby kicks.

Feeling: Lots of heartburn :(  Ready for some relief!

Eating: Rice crispie treats. All. the. time.  Loving orange juice.

Wearing: Maternity jeans! I love the ones from Target with the boot cut.  T-shirts from Target that are super comfy!  I hope I can find some more sometime.


Bump Report: 22 weeks


How far along: 22 weeks

How big is the baby: the size of a papaya, 1 lb

Changes: I can feel the baby kicking! so far it is just on the inside.

Feeling: Tired easily, still.  I thought I would have more energy, but if I do a lot of stuff then it wears me out. I'm really excited because I feel like I finally look pregnant!

Eating: A lot of fruit, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Fried egg sandwiches for breakfast.  Pulp free orange juice, yum.

Wearing: Maternity jeans! I love the ones from Target with the boot cut.  T-shirts from Target that are super comfy!  I hope I can find some more sometime.