my mini-garden [winter edition]
Y'all I don't know if that's necessarily the correct terminology for what I have planted, but I planted garlic yesterday!! Yay me! I planted some garlic in pots last year but then my cat, kitten, totally thought that would be just the perfect litter box! I was so so angry! But, whatever, that was last year. This year, after such success with my late-summer mini garden I decided to plant two large cloves of garlic that I had! For the past couple of weeks I have been kind of working the ground to try and get it good and mixed up and prepared for whatever I decided to plant next. Obviously that ended up being garlic, haha.
This past week I decided to finally plant a few rows of garlic. Mainly because I want to. But also because it is another way to practice growing something! So I began peeling the clove to get to all the individual cloves. I am unsure of the right words so this is what we are going with. :] Anyways, it did not take very long and I got about four small rows out of the two cloves (bulbs, maybe?) that I had.
It's kind of hard to tell because they just look like white dots, but that's the cloves I planted!
I am excited to see them grow and I really cannot wait to cook with them. I found this picture of braided garlic and I would like to try and braid what I have. I don't know if I planted enough to do a large braid but small ones will do as well! I found this picture on Pinterest and thought it looked neat :]
Doesn't that look so neat? I would love to hang that in my kitchen or in the chicken coop I'm gonna have!
Well y'all, I gotta run! Thank you for stopping by!